Jun 2, 2024
6.2.24 AUTHENTIC draw near
By: Franklin Smith
"Sometimes AUTHENTIC Christ-followers are hard to find." Join us as we look at what it means to be AUTHENTIC ! "We must have the courage and integrity to look in the mirror!" This incredible Sunday time of worship includes words and music from our Central Wired Praise Team and a communion meditation by Alex Juarez. Thanks for listening and… Shalom!”
- Jun 2, 20246.2.24 AUTHENTIC draw near
Jun 2, 20246.2.24 AUTHENTIC draw nearBy: Franklin SmithSeries: AUTHENTIC
"Sometimes AUTHENTIC Christ-followers are hard to find." Join us as we look at what it means to be AUTHENTIC ! "We must have the courage and integrity to look in the mirror!" This incredible Sunday time of worship includes words and music from our Central Wired Praise Team and a communion meditation by Alex Juarez. Thanks for listening and… Shalom!”
- May 29, 20245.26.24 AUTHENTIC hypocrite
May 29, 20245.26.24 AUTHENTIC hypocriteBy: Franklin SmithSeries: authentic"Just because the voices are loud doesn't make them right." Join us as we look at what it means to be AUTHENTIC ! "No one knew better than Jesus the way this world was meant to be. You turn graves into gardens, You're the only one who can!" This incredible Sunday time of worship includes words and music from our Central Wired Praise Team and a communion meditation by Roy Tivis. Thanks for listening and… Shalom!
- May 19, 20245.19.24 GRAD SUNDAY – Micah 6:8
May 19, 20245.19.24 GRAD SUNDAY – Micah 6:8By: Don ThomasSeries: CentralWired"Do what is right, not what is easy..." Join us as we look at Micah 6:8 and celebrate our graduates! "Don't major on the minor things in life. Act justly, love mercy, walk humbly with your God. Let's go LOVE this world and change it with justice, mercy, and humility." This incredible Sunday time of worship includes words and music from our Central Wired Praise Team and a communion meditation by Wes Weems. Thanks for listening and… Shalom!
- May 12, 20245.12.24 the middle
May 12, 20245.12.24 the middleBy: Franklin SmithSeries: CentralWired"At this point in my life, I'm just trying to not miss the goodness of each day and bring my best self to it." Join us as we look at Mary and Martha in "the middle." "Discipleship is a balance - service and reflection. How do we grow with others toward Christ?" This incredible Sunday time of worship includes words and music from our Central Wired Praise Team and a communion meditation by Caitlin Hays. Thanks for listening and… Shalom!
- May 5, 20245.5.24 TITUS TYPE assignment
May 5, 20245.5.24 TITUS TYPE assignmentBy: Don ThomasSeries: TITUS TYPE"Everything in a man's life hinges on the kind of man he becomes." Join us as we take a deep dive into the book of Titus. "An assignment is anything God has entrusted or called you to do! Are you building a legacy toward Jesus?" This incredible Sunday time of worship includes words and music from our Central Wired Praise Team and a communion meditation by Jeremy Berry. Thanks for listening and… Shalom!
- Apr 28, 20244.28.24 TITUS TYPE identity
Apr 28, 20244.28.24 TITUS TYPE identityBy: Don ThomasSeries: TITUS TYPE"Everything in a man's life hinges on the kind of man he becomes." Join us as we take a deep dive into the book of Titus. "Brokenness can only be put together by the GREAT NEWS of JESUS!" This incredible Sunday time of worship includes words and music from our Central Wired Praise Team and a communion meditation by Caden Smith. Thanks for listening and… Shalom!
- Apr 21, 20244.21.24 TITUS TYPE gospel
Apr 21, 20244.21.24 TITUS TYPE gospelBy: Don ThomasSeries: TITUS TYPE"Everything in a man's life hinges on the kind of man he becomes." Join us as we take a deep dive into the book of Titus. "Brokenness can only be put together by the GREAT NEWS of JESUS!" This incredible Sunday time of worship includes words and music from our Central Wired Praise Team and a communion meditation by Cody Webster. Thanks for listening and… Shalom!
- Apr 14, 20244.14.24 TITUS TYPE authority
Apr 14, 20244.14.24 TITUS TYPE authorityBy: Don ThomasSeries: TITUS TYPE"Everything in a man's life hinges on the kind of man he becomes." Join us as we take a deep dive into the book of Titus. "We will never gain victory over sin until we realize that walking with Jesus is better and overcoming is about His glory!" This incredible Sunday time of worship includes words and music from our Central Wired Praise Team and a communion meditation by Dennis Kerg. Thanks for listening and… Shalom!
- Apr 7, 20244.7.24 ALIVE wk 4 believe
Apr 7, 20244.7.24 ALIVE wk 4 believeBy: Franklin SmithSeries: ALIVE"The profound greatness of the Cross is that it looks death in the face and confronts it directly!" The death and resurrection of Jesus is the center point of history - and He is ALIVE! "Resurrection shows the unstoppable sovereignty of God! Hope exists because JESUS is ALIVE!" This incredible Sunday time of worship includes words and music from our Central Wired Praise Team and a communion meditation by Mike Rackler. Thanks for listening and… Shalom!
- Mar 31, 20243.31.24 ALIVE wk 3
Mar 31, 20243.31.24 ALIVE wk 3By: Don ThomasSeries: ALIVE"The profound greatness of the Cross is that it looks death in the face and confronts it directly!" The death and resurrection of Jesus is the center point of history - and He is ALIVE! "Resurrection shows the unstoppable sovereignty of God! Hope exists because JESUS is ALIVE!" This incredible Sunday time of worship includes words and music from our Central Wired Praise Team and a communion meditation by Mike Cone. Thanks for listening and… Shalom!