Sep 3, 2017
9-3-17 “We didn’t start the fire…”
Series: CentralWired

"How do we deal with a burning world?"  Join us as Pastor Don asks tough questions concerning current events!   When people ask, "Why would God let these things happen?"  We must respond with HOPE - a HOPE that is bigger than our circumstances!  "We need more than a "why" we need a "WHO!"  Let Him be the anchor in your storm!    This incredible Sunday time of worship includes words and music from our Central Wired Praise Team led by Franklin Smith, and a communion meditation by Kevin Lackey.  Thanks for listening and…  Shalom!

  • Sep 3, 20179-3-17 “We didn’t start the fire…”
    Sep 3, 2017
    9-3-17 “We didn’t start the fire…”
    Series: CentralWired

    "How do we deal with a burning world?"  Join us as Pastor Don asks tough questions concerning current events!   When people ask, "Why would God let these things happen?"  We must respond with HOPE - a HOPE that is bigger than our circumstances!  "We need more than a "why" we need a "WHO!"  Let Him be the anchor in your storm!    This incredible Sunday time of worship includes words and music from our Central Wired Praise Team led by Franklin Smith, and a communion meditation by Kevin Lackey.  Thanks for listening and…  Shalom!

  • Jan 22, 20171-22-17 2020VISION
    Jan 22, 2017
    1-22-17 2020VISION
    Series: CentralWired
    "Let's show Portales we have changed!"  Join us as Pastor Don looks at our 2020 VISION.  Zig Ziglar says, "If you aim at nothing, you'll hit it every time!"  We have a plan and our plan is to change the atmosphere in Portales and expand the KINGDOM!  This incredible Sunday time of worship includes words and music from our Central Wired Praise Team, and a communion meditation by Wes Weems.  Thanks for listening and…  Shalom!
  • Jan 15, 20171-15-17 LOOPHOLES
    Jan 15, 2017
    1-15-17 LOOPHOLES
    Series: CentralWired
    "It's more than what you DO... it's how you THINK!"  Join us as Pastor Don looks at loopholes.  John Maxwell says, "Most people are more comfortable with old problems that they are with new solutions!"  We should quit worrying about what SHOULD be done and think about what COULD be done!  Kingdom thinking is different than world thinking!  This incredible Sunday time of worship includes words and music from our Central Wired Praise Team, and a communion meditation by Dan Sickles.  Thanks for listening and…  Shalom!
  • Jan 8, 20171-8-17 SHAKEN
    Jan 8, 2017
    1-8-17 SHAKEN
    Series: CentralWired
    "How do you praise Him in the storm?"  Join us as Pastor Don shares how God should be bigger than our circumstances!  "God wants us living in Hope, not despair!  Maybe what we need more than WHAT or WHY is WHO!"  We must keep our fix our eyes on God and not our storms!  This incredible Sunday time of worship includes words and music from our Central Wired Praise Team, and a communion meditation by Travis Hardin.  Thanks for listening and…  Shalom!
  • Jan 1, 20171-1-17 New Beginnings
    Jan 1, 2017
    1-1-17 New Beginnings
    Series: CentralWired
    "Maybe the problem isn't the resolution... it's the resolve!"  Join us as Pastor Don focuses on new beginnings in the new year.  "God made this light shine - we must resolve to seek the face of Christ even in dark times!"  We fix our eyes on Him and we resolve our faith!  This incredible Sunday time of worship includes words and music from our Central Wired Praise Team, and a communion meditation by Jef Firestone.  Thanks for listening and…  Shalom!
  • Nov 20, 201611-20-16 THANKSLIVING
    Nov 20, 2016
    11-20-16 THANKSLIVING
    Series: CentralWired
    "We need to live a life of THANKSGIVING!"  Join us as Pastor Don teaches about the ten lepers and the need for thankfulness in our everyday lives!  "Will you be THANKFUL despite your circumstances?  Will your THANKFULNESS lead to ACTION?"  We must give God the honor He deserves and glorify God with our lives! This incredible Sunday time of worship includes words and music from our Central Wired Praise Team, and a communion meditation by Glen Johnson.  Thanks for listening and…  Shalom!
  • May 22, 2016Wanna Be a Champion?
    May 22, 2016
    Wanna Be a Champion?
    Series: CentralWired
    "Trust God and do what's right!"  Join us as Pastor Don shares "David's two-step!"  "A Superman is one who keeps coming back to God regardless of the circumstances!"  We must trust God first and then allow Him to work through us - all for the glory of God!  This incredible Sunday time of worship includes words and music from our Central Wired Praise Team, led by Franklin Smith and a communion meditation by Terry Blaschke.  Thanks for listening and…  Shalom!
  • Apr 3, 2016Love Walks In 4-3-16
    Apr 3, 2016
    Love Walks In 4-3-16
    Series: CentralWired
    "Only God can put His character in us!"  Join us as Pastor Franklin speaks about love.  "But now let me show you a way that is best for all!"  As we examine 1 Corinthians 13 we see that we shouldn't stop at loving the lovable.  We are called to "agape" - a selfless love that pushes back the dark and makes a DIFFERENCE in US!  This incredible Sunday time of worship includes words and music from our Central Wired Praise Team, led by Franklin Smith and a communion meditation by Tom Banks.  Thanks for listening and…  Shalom!
  • Mar 27, 2016RISE 3-27-16
    Mar 27, 2016
    RISE 3-27-16
    Series: CentralWired
    "Because of Jesus... we have a light at the end of the tunnel!"  Join us as Pastor Don speaks about the power of Easter.  "Jesus didn't rise to make BAD people GOOD...  He rose to make DEAD PEOPLE ALIVE!"  We can't do it on our own, we need a savior!  God with us, come to save us!  Your grace sets us free!  This incredible Sunday time of worship includes words and music from our Central Wired Praise Team, led by Franklin Smith and a communion meditation by Franklin Smith.  Thanks for listening and…  Shalom!
  • Jan 10, 20161-10-16 2020 VISION
    Jan 10, 2016
    1-10-16 2020 VISION
    Series: CentralWired
    "Focus in on His mission and our future!"  Join us as Pastor Don shares the 2020 Vision for Central.  "We want to bathe this vision and our church in prayer!"  From international missions, to outreach in our community, to growing spiritually and in attendance...  listen to where we've been and where we're going in this powerful message!  This incredible Sunday time of worship includes words and music from our Central Wired Praise Team, led by Franklin Smith and a communion meditation by Wes Weems.  Thanks for listening and…  Shalom!