Oct 28, 2012
Victorious Christian Living
Don Nickles fills the pulpit today and share's a bit about his journey in faith, and the gifts that God is willing to give us! He gives us grace, gifts & growth! Included in this message is a powerful communion meditation (Lukas Cash) and song by Janet Newberry, Kandie Massey & Suzanne Thomas! Be encouraged in your walk with the Lord thru this message!
  • Oct 28, 2012Victorious Christian Living
    Oct 28, 2012
    Victorious Christian Living
    Don Nickles fills the pulpit today and share's a bit about his journey in faith, and the gifts that God is willing to give us! He gives us grace, gifts & growth! Included in this message is a powerful communion meditation (Lukas Cash) and song by Janet Newberry, Kandie Massey & Suzanne Thomas! Be encouraged in your walk with the Lord thru this message!
  • Oct 21, 2012RECLAIMED: Fields of Gold or Fields of God?
    Oct 21, 2012
    RECLAIMED: Fields of Gold or Fields of God?
    As the story of Ruth progresses, we begin to see the relationship between Boaz and Ruth...but we also see the story is including Christ and US! Ruth's good work ethic and "outsider" status are great lessons from this second in the series of "RECLAIMED!" Included in this podcast is music from Central Wired! Get your Bible out, and let God show you how He wants to reclaim YOU! Shalom!
  • Oct 14, 2012Living in VICTORY
    Oct 14, 2012
    Living in VICTORY
    We're blessed to have Ben Headley as our guest speaker! He was the former Youth Minister here for many years, and is dearly loved in our church family! He brings us a challenging message about VICTORY! Are you a victorious person? Do you FEEL like a victorious person! Ben encourages us through scripture to set our goals on HIS schedule! We hope you are strengthened by this message! Shalom!
  • Oct 7, 2012RECLAIMED-Two Journeys (Part #1)
    Oct 7, 2012
    RECLAIMED-Two Journeys (Part #1)
    Have you ever restored a car or remodeled a room? Then you have RECLAIMED something from "worth-less" to "valuable"! As we delve into the story of Ruth, we find that the women in this story are hurt and bitter, but that God-thru His mercy and thru Boaz-reclaims their value! Included in this podcast is uplifting worship music from CentralPraise and a special song called "Redeemed" by Big Daddy Weave! Get your Bible out and get ready to find your value!
  • Sep 30, 2012Jesus is His Name, Christ is His Title
    Sep 30, 2012
    Jesus is His Name, Christ is His Title
    Our Guest Speaker today needs no introduction to the Central Family-It's Kenneth Broad! Ken was the Preaching Minister here for 16 years back in the 70's and 80's and is a VERY active member of this Church Family! He brings a wealth of knowledge and care to the community. Along with a special music presentation by Terry Blashke and other assorted contemporary Christian Music, this podcast will challenge and encourage you! Shalom!
  • Sep 16, 2012TEAM CENTRAL-What Part Do You
    Sep 16, 2012
    TEAM CENTRAL-What Part Do You
    "I just want to be part of the team"-Rudy Rutiger from the movie RUDY. Then lets find a place for YOU on TEAM CENTRAL! Last week, we look at Church Leadership...this week, the focus is Church MEMBERSHIP-what are some of the current ministries, what are some of the directions we want to go as a Family, and how each person is valuable to the TEAM! With inspiring worship music from CentralPraise and a meditation from Lonny Epps, we hope you are encouraged and fired up to say "I want to be on HIS Team!" Shalom!
  • Sep 9, 2012Team Central-LEADERSHIP!
    Sep 9, 2012
    Team Central-LEADERSHIP!
    How do you build HIS Church? As we start looking at THE CHURCH and what God wants done in His Kingdom and in Portales, we are focusing on being a part of TEAM CENTRAL! With an introduction by Dr. Tony Evans, this session focuses on Leaders; specifically Elders and Deacons. We pray this session encourages you to PRAY for our Church leaders and look for ways to support and encourage the work of the Kingdom. Shalom!
  • Sep 2, 2012Make Your Heart HIS Home!
    Sep 2, 2012
    Make Your Heart HIS Home!
    Our guest speaker this week is our own KOLBY TOLLETT-and he brings a message of hope and encouragement about what God wants of our heart! With praise music led by Janet Newberry and communion meditation by Lukas Cash, this is a SPECIAL dose of "church!" We pray you are lifted up by this study and music!
  • Aug 26, 2012IS HE REALLY THERE?
    Aug 26, 2012
    Have you ever stared at those "Where's Waldo" books and wondered if he was really there? Have you ever looked at your life and your struggles and wondered if GOD was really there? Don takes us through the story of Jesus and the death of Lazarus with a "new" take on it, and asking the question-Is God REALLY There in YOUR struggles? Join us for powerful worship and Bible-based teaching as we look at John 11! Shalom!
  • Aug 19, 2012ATTITUDE is the Aroma of Your Heart!
    Aug 19, 2012
    ATTITUDE is the Aroma of Your Heart!
    How's YOUR attitude? Are you giving Jesus your BEST? Don challenges us as we begin the school year to look at how our attitude affects our life's outcomes! Join us in II Kings 5 as we look at the story of Naaman and how his attitude was affected by the attitudes of those around him, and how close he was to NOT being healed! Cheyenne Keith leads the worship time to start, so get your Bible and get ready to be challenged!